Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I'm moving blog sites

With a little vacation time I decided to tutor myself in Wordpress. I'm moving the blog site there. I think there's a bit more that I can do with the blog. Here's the link...

My hope is that all of you will migrate over there and follow the thoughts I have on young adults and the Radical experiment.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

One week later...

Just a quick note... after one week, here's what I've found. The weird thing is that Sunday was the one day I missed the reading and praying for the world!!! I had to catch up on Monday morning but that worked out fine. Just a reminder that to stay on track is important because I know that when I fall behind I start to think, "I won't catch up at this point" and then I'll quit. One other note real quick, Operation World tends to send out their daily prayer emails later in the morning around 9 am. What that's meant for me is that I end up praying for that country the next morning instead of that day.

I also have to remember that this is a heart exercise. I know I can get into the "checklist" mentality. That's why it's been important for me to come to God asking that He speak though the passages and that my prayer time be focused and centered on Christ. It's amazing how quickly my mind can wander to everything else other than what's at hand.

I've also concluded that whatever expectations I have that this will be a long time spent with God each morning and that He grace me with feeling His presence I must hang on to loosely. The point of these disciplines is simply to open my heart to God by stating the purpose each morning... "where else will I go to get the words of eternal life?" (John 6:68). More on the heart later...

Friday, August 26, 2011

The One Year Radical Experiment

I'm going to use this to offer some thoughts on jumping into David Platt's One Year Radical Experiment. It might help those of us who have started this summer as a part of the Rooted study. Platt's book has been extremely helpful as far as giving us a common understanding of the kind of life God calls us to as followers of Jesus.

My one addition to Platt's vision for recapturing a biblical Christianity that is not influenced by the "American Dream" is that what was neglected was a vision for including the heart. While I agree with everything that he offered in the book, what I wanted him to challenge us to bring our hearts along in the project. I will try to unfold this in the months to come.

I did get on Operation World's email list so I'm receiving the country of the day. You won't get a new country every day (there aren't 365 countries in the world) but you will get an email linking you to the website letting you know what country to pray for. I'm through Mail, Afghanistan, and now Austria! It's kind of like Wakko's World in the Animaniacs!

One last suggestion. I'm using Robert Murray M'Cheyne's reading plan. M'Cheyne (1813-1843) was a minister in the Church of Scotland. His reading plan allows you to read the New Testament twice and the Old Testament once. There are also some additional resources that go along with this. One book I've ordered and I'll let you know how it goes...